Centre news

Ukraine Challenges Do Not Damper ASEAN-EU Relations
The ongoing war in Ukraine has accelerated several key challenges to the ASEAN-European Union (EU) relationship. These challenges include the EU’s unclear role in mediating the great power relationship in

Thailand’s Computer Crime Act: Placing Digital Rights At Risk
Increased internet use by Thai citizens for political expression and mobilisation gave rise to the implementation in 2007 and the later amendment in 2017 of the Computer Crime Act (CCA).

Dr. Gomez in Doha: “Harmony laws” foster hate against minorities
“Harmony laws”, while well-intentioned, their implementation has inevitably led to the spread of hate speech directed at minorities in Southeast Asia. This is primarily due to the use of these

Electoral Reforms Can Ensure Multiparty Democracy In Southeast Asia
A range of electoral reforms are needed if multiparty democracy is to take root in Southeast Asia. Reforms related to electoral laws, the media, independence of election management boards and

Asia Centre’s Steps Up its Engagement in Geneva
Giving effect to its 5-year strategic plan to 2027, to step up its engagement with UN human rights mechanisms and international organisations, Asia Centre undertook an outreach mission to Geneva,

Disinformation Winner of 2022 Philippines Presidential Election
Disinformation, and lots over it over social media, was the predicted winner of the 2022 Philippines Presidential Elections. This was the sentiment of speakers and respondents as well as the

Strengthening Quality Journalism to Fight Online Disinformation
As the majority of news production and consumption shifts to social media so has government control. “Media Freedom in Southeast Asia: Repeal Restrictive Laws, Strengthen Quality Journalism,” outlines how fake

Asia Centre and Indonesian Parliament’s Expert Agency Sign MoU
On 14 March 2022, Asia Centre and The Expertise Agency of The House of Representatives of The Republic of Indonesia signed a 5 year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Through the

Continued Unemployment Furthers Inequality
The second year of the COVID-19 pandemic pushed the world into further unemployment and inequality. Reporting under the theme, ‘Inequality – Threat to Lives and Livelihoods,’ the journalists discussed how

Asia Centre and Oxfam Announce 2021-22 Journalism Award Finalists
Asia Centre and Oxfam in Asia are pleased to announce the finalists for the 2021-22 Journalism For an Equitable Asia Award. The Award recognises the work of journalists who wrote

Business and Human Rights: More Stakeholder Participation Needed in Southeast Asia
While welcoming the uptake of the BHR agenda across Southeast Asia, panelists in the online forum: ‘Business and Human Rights in Southeast Asia: Progress Towards Developing National Action Plans’(NAPs) emphasised

COVID-19 Disportionately Impacts Women’s Rights
Commissioners from different human rights bodies highlighted that during the pandemic, women disportionately faced various challenges. Despite the operational difficulties, the various commissions nevertheless have tried their level best to

Asia Centre Pens Agreement With Naresuan University
On 26 November 2021, Dr. Robin Ramcharan, Executive Director, Asia Centre and Dr. Napisa Waitoolkiat, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Naresuan University, Thailand signed a Memorandum of Agreement

Media Spotlight Can Help Address Vaccine Inequality
Vaccine inequality is a growing concern in Asia, where the biggest challenge in keeping the pandemic at bay is the vaccination rates of a country. Hence, verified information on vaccine’s

Anti-Discrimination Laws Needed To Protect Minorities
Anti-discrimination laws and independent commissions are needed to protect minorities disadvantaged by legal measures that are claimed to be enacted to maintain social harmony. This was a major recommendation arising