Asia Centre’s New Research Hub

Asia Centre will consolidate its research work under a new Hub, as the team expands to publish more books, baseline studies, policy papers, and opinion pieces. Part of this work will involve making submissions to the UN, following the granting, in 2021, the UN’s ECOSOC Special Consultative Status.

The Research Hub, housed in a 131 sqm office on the 20th floor of the Chamnan Phenjati Business Center, and located 200m away from Rama 9 MRT Station, has a mixture of open working spaces and meeting rooms. Fitted with the latest video-conferencing technology, the Hub will enable the Asia Centre Team to work collaboratively across borders and time zones.

The Hub will have four separate rooms for the Asia Centre Team and Partners to meet and collaborate. The Asia Centre Team will primarily be located in the working area which will be composed of eight work stations, with a TV console and whiteboard for team meetings. Along the walls will be built-in cabinets and shelves for storage, printers, and office supplies. There will also be a pantry with a fridge, microwave, filtered water, and a coffee machine.

Surrounding the working area will be four separate rooms. Meeting Room 1, composed of a table, five chairs, and a TV screen will be used to receive Asia Centre partners for face-to-face meetings and larger video conferencing calls. 

Meeting Room 2, composed of a table and two chairs, will be used for smaller meetings as well as online presentations. It will also serve as a studio for podcast and video recordings.

The Discussion Room, with armchairs, small tables, and a wall projector, will serve as a space for Asia Centre Team Members to engage in collaborative conversations.

The Quiet Room, with a built-in desk, chair, and a separate armchair, will be used for individual phone/ WhatsApp calls, as well as a place for quiet reflection or prayer.

The new office will have glass walls and partitions all around to let in natural light.

The renovation began in early April 2022 and is scheduled to end in August 2022. Watch our Facebook video here and check out the renovation updates 1, 2, 3, and 4 on TikTok.

While the new office will serve as a research space, the Office in Phaya Thai will be used for convening events.