ASIA Centre Lectures on Business and Human Rights in ASEAN at Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon (RMUTP)

Asia Centre’s Dr. Robin Ramcharan delivered a course to students at RMUTP on the political economy of human rights in the ASEAN area, from 3 to 7 July 2017. A total of 23 students in the Faculty of Business at RMUTP from Bhutan, Germany and Thailand benefited from a comprehensive overview of ASEAN’s origins, evolution and contemporary challenges, notably in the area of human rights protection.     The students, all of whom are pursuing degrees in international management of business organizations, learned of the relationship between business entities and larger economic, social and political problems in the societies in…

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Asia Centre delivers lectures on Women’s Rights in China

Asia Centre’s Dr James Gomez, delivered several key lectures at a one week course on the Study of Gender and Women’s Rights in China in Shanghai from 3-7 July 2017. Organised by Fudan University’s National Base for Human Rights and Training the course drew some 20 students from within and outside the university.     The course is part of a range of activities within China organised by “National Bases” around the topic of human rights. Throughout China there are presently 8 National Bases for Human Rights and Training located within different universities which draws researchers from within its departments, faculties and schools.…

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