Asia Centre Facilitates Focus On Life Discussion

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New York-based Japanese photographer and anti-death penalty14692067_1305368372815721_7421157843130629890_o activist Toshi Kazama held a photo exhibition and discussion of his work on 11 October 2016 at The Sukosol Hotel. Asia Centre facilitated the discussion and networking session following Mr Kazama’s presentation which focused on how he uses photography as a tool to express his point of view on human rights and specifically on the death penalty.


A diverse crowd of about 35 people came together to listen to Mr Kazama narrate the stories behind each picture exhibited; those of people on death row and the execution methods in various countries. Asia Centre’s Dr. Robin Ramcharan managed the audience’’s queries on Mr. Kazama’s perspective on the use of the death penalty in the ASEAN region.

Asia Centre’s Dr. Robin Ramcharan facilitating the Q&A

Key questions from the audience centred around events in the Philippines and Indonesia that
have reignited the debate on the the use of the death penalty to tackle crime. Other issues raised by the audience touched on the morality of the death penalty and the role of the media.

This audience discussion was followed by a networking session where participants could view the  photo exhibition and further their conversations with Mr. Kazama.

14725642_1305365979482627_6934809242565258751_nThe Focus on Life discussion and photo exhibition was part of the End Crime Not Life regional campaign against the death penalty which will continue its tour through major cities in ASEAN. You can learn more about the campaign at the following link:

The photo exhibition, discussion and networking was a parallel event to the SEAHRN 4th International Conference on Human Rights and Peace in Southeast Asia facilitated by Asia Centre.