our services
The Centre provides flexible and tailored services to international and non-governmental organizations, education providers, public sector agencies and civil society. We provide advisory and policy-oriented solutions for the benefit of our clients as follows. In providing all of these services, we seek to facilitate an exchange of knowledge between the peoples of Asia and the rest of the world.
We undertake copy editing of a wide range of texts and prepare them for publication. These can include reports, textbooks, journal articles as well as short written inputs as well as many others.
We undertake commissioned research around key issues affecting the region. Our research outputs are based on methodologies that include desk and online research, surveys, interviews, focus group discussions and fieldwork.
We are able to design and deliver training courses and modules. Typically we perform a training needs assessment, thereafter set the objectives, develop the materials, implement the training and roundup with an evaluation.
Contact us at: info@asiacentre.org