P a r k i n g
Hourly parking is available at Phayathai Plaza Building. Visitor parking are at the free gear lots on every floor or regular lots at the 10th floor. Visitors can enjoy two hours free parking with the Asia Centre stamp.
P a r k i n g R a t e s
1) Visitors are entitled to 15 mins of free parking
2) One Asia Centre stamp entitles you to 2 hours free parking, thereafter 30 baht/hour
3) Two Asia Centre stamps entitles you to extended parking for the following rates:
Day Rate : 100 bath for parking between 07:00-19:00 PM
Night Rate: 60 baht for parking between 19:01-06.59 PM.
Saturday & Sunday Rate: 50 baht for 24 hours
Please bring your parking coupon to Asia Centre to get it stamped so you can enjoy these parking privileges and rates.
O t h e r P a r k i n g
Other options include parking at Siam Paragon or Central World and take the BTS to Phayathai station.