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The Universal Periodic Review of Southeast Asia: Civil Society Perspectives
8 November 2018 @ 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM BMT
On Thursday, 8 November, at 1.30 pm, Dr. James Gomez will be speaking about the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the seminar on The UPR of Southeast Asia: Civil Society Perspectives, hosted by Department of Political Science, Soochow University in Taipei. See our event page for more information, http://bit.ly/2Q2xg8J
Southeast Asian civil society has engaged with the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the United Nations Human Rights Council during the first (2008-2011) and second (2012-2016) cycle and continue to do so in the third cycle (2017-2022). In the last ten years, civil society groups and individuals have used the UN mechanism (Universal Periodic Review) to hold states in the region accountable for human rights violations. However, has this engagement been effective in advancing human rights protection in the region? This presentation provides a stakeholder analysis of human rights protection on the ground. Through evidence-based research the presentation identifies gaps in human rights reporting and advocacy during the UPR, notably on civil and political issues such as the right to life, freedom of expression, freedom of religion and belief, extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detention, territorial autonomy and separation. The presentation highlights the need for more civil society engagement on civil and political issues during the third cycle of the UPR in 2017-2020. Failing which, the UPR process risks being reduced to a platform where civil society only engage on issues that States are willing to cooperate on. More pressure needs to be put on States to follow-up and implement recommendations. Alternatively, other approaches need to be sought to advocate for civil and political rights. The presentation is based on Asia Centre’s regional appraisal of the UPR in Southeast Asia.